Posts on Women’s Wisdom:

Everything You Need

Everything You Need

In the midst of life's ups and down, I am grateful for that which is steady, familiar, and comfortable. I haven't...

It’s a relief to tell the truth.

It’s a relief to tell the truth.

"It’s a relief to speak the truth. I don’t have to pretend." ~ Karen Maezen Miller My thoughts about truth-telling are...

About Being Ordinary

About Being Ordinary

The desire, temptation, and lure to live an extraordinary life is strong; to figure out our “one thing;” to do,...

The Devastation of Hope

The Devastation of Hope

Last week I watched someone I love ascend into the heights of joy only to descend into its complete opposite. All...

About South Stars

About South Stars

I was talking with a client a few weeks back who can honestly and confidently state that she is strong and powerful...

About Rest

About Rest

In her book, Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto, Tricia Hersey says this: “Rest is radical because it disrupts the lie...

Letting go of what no longer serves

Letting go of what no longer serves

A few weeks back I posted a quote from Adam Grant’s book, Think Again on IG and FB: “. . . let go of the knowledge and...

Three Illusions Worth Shattering

Three Illusions Worth Shattering

I received an email from one of my current book coaching clients a few weeks back that included an attachment with...

About Being In Control

About Being In Control

A few weeks back I was in a place I haven’t been for two-plus years: wearing a lavalier mic, standing in front of a...

I am NOT the Crazy One!

I am NOT the Crazy One!

No big surprise: I love books! A ton of them are on my Kindle and most of the time I’m good with reading the “virtual”...

If I had a Book Group

If I had a Book Group

I ordered a book a few weeks back, but have basically avoided it since it arrived. Well, until a couple morning’s ago...

1000 Words on Aging

1000 Words on Aging

Being 61 is not what I expected…though I don’t know that I could tell you, with any degree of specificity, what I did...

About the quiet and silence.

About the quiet and silence.

  So often, I talk about a woman’s voice and courage and sovereignty. Yours. Mine. Ours. It matters. It is what I’m...

About the Ocean and Anguish

About the Ocean and Anguish

I’ve spent a lot of time at the beach lately. As soon as we arrive, my 9-year-old niece Grace, runs to the water, her...

Women Know Everything

Women Know Everything

My sister bought me a book a few weeks back: Women Know Everything! 3241 Quips, Quotes and Brilliant Remarks by Karen...

4 Things I Want You to Know

4 Things I Want You to Know

As you undoubtedly know, I spend countless hours (decades, really) in the midst of ancient, sacred stories of women....

About Time

About Time

I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately; struggling with it in some ways. And oddly, it’s not because I don’t have...

About Bridgerton & Romance Novels

About Bridgerton & Romance Novels

A couple years back I devoured every novel in Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series within a matter of weeks — far before I...

About Being an Outlaw

About Being an Outlaw

Yes, about being an outlaw...but also archetypes and exhaustion and self-care and then some. The dictionary defines an...

Not practicing what I preach

Not practicing what I preach

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my desire. No. That’s not quite true. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my...

What Matters in a Broken World?

What Matters in a Broken World?

I’ve been sitting with a particular question lately that haunts me, in many ways: How are we to make sense of our...

1 quote and 3 (tiny) topics

1 quote and 3 (tiny) topics

The Quote: Re-vision–the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new, critical...

About hearing voices…

About hearing voices…

Yes, let’s talk about hearing voices…And (just a bit) about RAISING our voices and being countercultural!  Over the...

About welcoming exhaustion…

About welcoming exhaustion…

It may sound strange, but for me, exhaustion is welcome. Years ago I had a job with a 90-minute commute each way....

3 Ways to Step into Gratitude

3 Ways to Step into Gratitude

There’s a very old Hebrew Psalm that’s been circling in my mind lately. It’s an ancient prayer that is...

About Being Alone

About Being Alone

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about being alone: the difference between actually being alone and feeling that way. ....

5 Ways to Have the Life you Desire

5 Ways to Have the Life you Desire

Here’s the quick version of this post: Hold fast to what you most desire. Name what you want. Acknowledge what’s bound...

The Voices in Your Head

The Voices in Your Head

As women, there are times in which we are nearly overwhelmed by the voices in our head, the subtle and less-so...

Why I’ve Given Up on Prayer

Why I’ve Given Up on Prayer

I grew up in a very strong faith tradition, so have always had a clear understanding of prayer: its purpose, its...

Wisdom from Dr. Sharon

Wisdom from Dr. Sharon

I came across a Facebook post by Brene Brown a few weeks back. She was talking about her recent conversation with...

3 Ways to be Determined & Wise

3 Ways to be Determined & Wise

There’s an ancient, sacred story told of a woman who had the capacity to influence a man of power, who was adamant...

Why I Left My Corporate Job

Why I Left My Corporate Job

My thoughts on fear, courage, and being an entrepreneur. In January of 2018 I left my 10-year-old online business for...

How to Trust Your Inner Wisdom

How to Trust Your Inner Wisdom

I could offer you a whole bunch of reasons why you can and should trust your wisdom, why it’s reliable, why it’s...

4 Way to Hear Your Own Wisdom

4 Way to Hear Your Own Wisdom

It’s taken me years (and years and years) to acknowledge that I had wisdom that was uniquely, distinctly mine, let...

A 3-Step Plan Worth Following

A 3-Step Plan Worth Following

I lived a very long season of my life (decades, really) in which I was endlessly on the hunt to find a plan that would...

Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

I talk about sovereignty all the time. It’s a program I offer. But more than all else, it’s a reality, a truth, that I...

The Voices in Your Head

The Voices in Your Head

Maybe it's only me, but no matter how long it's been since some of my less-than-stellar stories took place, I still...

The Power of Childhood Stories

The Power of Childhood Stories

We rarely give a second thought to the stories of our childhood. Fairytales, religious myths, favorite books, legend,...

Wisdom does as Wisdom says

Wisdom does as Wisdom says

Women hold all the wisdom they could ever need, that the planet could ever need, that the world so desperately needs....

A late-night text

A late-night text

I’ve been thinking about the wisdom that has shaped much of my life. I’m grateful for some of it, to be sure. There’s...

Refrigerator-Magnet Wisdom

Refrigerator-Magnet Wisdom

Last month I was in a bookstore in Lexington, KY with both of my daughters. We wandered in three different directions,...

Go Deeper Still, Still…

Go Deeper Still, Still…

(I first published this post on 12/31/14. It seems to me to be as relevant as ever.) Go deeper still... You already...

My grown-up Christmas list:

My grown-up Christmas list:

One of my favorite Christmas carols by Amy Grant, offers these lyrics: “No more lives torn apart, That wars would...

Today is my birthday!

Today is my birthday!

I am 60 years old today. How is that even possible? The days leading up to this one have been filled with reflection,...

She was a voice

She was a voice

I ordered and read The Book of Longings last week. Written by Sue Monk Kidd, author of The Secret Life of Bees and...

Retrieving the Fragments

Retrieving the Fragments

Although women’s words have been censored or eliminated from much of [our] heritage, in the midst of the pain of...

The you you know best

The you you know best

Who would you be if you didn’t hold back? If all your power, compassion, love, and strength roared into any room, any...

Redefining Ordinary

Redefining Ordinary

The desire, temptation, and lure to live an extraordinary life is strong; to figure out our “one thing;” to do,...

Believing the Voice Within You

Believing the Voice Within You

A voice dwells within you that can be trusted, that longs to be listened to, that consistently speaks truth. I...



There’s an ancient sacred story told of a woman who was beautifully, lavishly, even shockingly extravagant. Desiring...

The Women at the Tomb

The Women at the Tomb

All we have are the stories, based on the unreasonable experience of people we never knew–and the choice of whether to...



Wisdom seeking is difficult because, as Martha Nussbaum has written, “Knowing can be violent, given the truths that...

Stories that Still Speak

Stories that Still Speak

I’ve been awake for hours. Christmas tree lights on. Coffee made. Fire lit. Snuggled up on the couch. Laptop on. I’ve...

My Left-Hand Side

My Left-Hand Side

I did a quick mapping of my body the other day. Here’s what I discovered – from top tobottom: Many mornings, I wake up...

Nevertheless, we persist!

Nevertheless, we persist!

On Tuesday, February 7, 2017, Senator Elizabeth Warren began to read a letter Coretta Scott King wrote in 1986 that...

Yes, yesterday. Now what?

Yes, yesterday. Now what?

Yesterday, November 9, 2016, I did all the things I always do: I made coffee. I journaled. I gave my daughter a hug...

Musings on Being Single

Musings on Being Single

On days like today I wrestle with what to do. It’s a Saturday morning. Little requires my time or attention for this...

In line at Starbucks…

In line at Starbucks…

Although women’s words have been censored or eliminated from much of our heritage, in the midst of the pain of...

So, I’ve written a book…

So, I’ve written a book…

The subtitle is “A Braided Essay on Women and Silence and Shame.” And it’s published, printed, physical, able to be...

Living an Ordinary Life

Living an Ordinary Life

The desire, temptation, and lure to live an extraordinary life is strong; to figure out our “one thing;” to do –...

Handless Maidens and then some…

Handless Maidens and then some…

Two weeks ago I spent 6 days in the coveted presence of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes. There were probably about 100 of...

It’s all going to end badly

It’s all going to end badly

A few weeks ago, while talking to my therapist, I mentioned my ongoing and haunting hunch that the archetype of the...

Why didn’t you just say so?

Why didn’t you just say so?

I’ve been binge-watching The Newsroom for the past week. This morning I woke up far too early for a weekend-day....



Tears are a river that takes you somewhere...Tears lift your boat off the rocks, off dry ground, carrying it downriver...

Boom-Boom, Boom-Boom

Boom-Boom, Boom-Boom

I often listen to podcasts in the morning. Out of the shower, getting ready for my day. Today’s didn’t really offer...

Letting Go and Holding On

Letting Go and Holding On

Living through years of infertility taught me an invaluable lesson. And truth-be-told, I continue to learn it just as,...

Turning This Impossible Page

Turning This Impossible Page

I bought a new journal a few weeks back. Planning ahead. Knowing my current one was nearly full. Wanting to make sure...

Letting Go is NOT Falling Apart

Letting Go is NOT Falling Apart

A wise woman tells me she gets this strong sense that I am unable to really let go; like I’m afraid of letting my hair...

Coexistence: Goodness AND Struggle

Coexistence: Goodness AND Struggle

Emma Joy graduates from high school today. For the past few weeks, nearly everything she’s done or said has provoked a...

Telling Myself (no more) Lies

Telling Myself (no more) Lies

I have recently uncovered an interesting belief I hold within. It’s not pleasant. And frankly, I’m not all that crazy...

The Day I Spoke Up in Class

The Day I Spoke Up in Class

For most of my life I’ve been a rule-follower. I am really good at figuring out what’s expected and then never...

The Stunning Story that is Yours

The Stunning Story that is Yours

I see the tears behind your eyes. I know about the lump in your throat. I hear the thoughts that swirl in your mind....

In the midst . . .

In the midst . . .

Here is what I know about you: Right now, in the midst, you embody the Feminine. Right now, in the midst, you inhale...

Imagination and then some…

Imagination and then some…

Imagination is a wonderful, healing, redeeming, strengthening, transformative thing. I spend a lot of my time in this...

About rain and tears and grief

About rain and tears and grief

My desk sits in front of two windows that look out on stark trees. For now, there are no leaves in sight. And the rain...

Telling Stories

Telling Stories

"Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can’t remember who we are or why we’re here.” These words...

The perfect way to stop a woman.

The perfect way to stop a woman.

"I’ve seen women insist on cleaning everything in the house before they could sit down to write.... and you know it’s...

Head acknowledged. Heart aflame.

Head acknowledged. Heart aflame.

Something within you knows that you bring a seeing, a knowing, a perspective to this world that, once expressed, might...

When Wisdom Eludes

When Wisdom Eludes

I remember one afternoon, years ago, sitting in my living room with a woman I deeply respected. I talked to her about...

Speak your mind. Tell your truth.

Speak your mind. Tell your truth.

She felt as though her life was some kind of hellish test; as though the universe was conspiring against her; like the...

The other woman

The other woman

Every once in a while, out of the corner of my eye, I glimpse the other woman. She looks so much like me, but wilder...

I Am A Medial Woman

I Am A Medial Woman

The Medial a representation of the strong-sighted and deep-hearted self who lives simultaneously in the...

Go Into the Darkness.

Go Into the Darkness.

Gazing into the mirror, I saw myself as I was – a black silhouette in the room, a woman whose darkness had completely...

A letter to myself

A letter to myself

Dear Me: Exhaustion. I see it. It’s down deep, far beneath the surface. A weariness that comes from holding on to your...

Where Wisdom Dwells

Where Wisdom Dwells

Where is wisdom to be found when you need and want it the most?  Here’s the quick answer: within you.  Here’s the more...

For such a time as this.

For such a time as this.

Sometimes if not oftentimes, the circumstances in which you find yourself are the last ones you want. You look around...

The 3 Secrets of the Gifted Soul

The 3 Secrets of the Gifted Soul

“Since you were born gifted, you will never lead an ordinary life.” “Eccentricity is the first sign of giftedness. You...

Transforming Your Story (Part 3)

Transforming Your Story (Part 3)

Transforming Your Story – The “How” Part 3 of a series. 12 posts scattered throughout 2014 on Transforming Your Story....

Transforming Your Story (Part 2)

Transforming Your Story (Part 2)

Did you miss Part 1? Click here. Today, Part 2: Why would you want to Transform Your Story? When I say “Transform Your...

Sophia and Quantum Physics

Sophia and Quantum Physics

I had to figure out how to find Sophia. Or make the space for her to find me. One day I came to realize that she’s...

Believing in Another World

Believing in Another World

The debate is long, old, and exhausting. Is there life beyond ours, in other places, on other planes or planets. Is...

Don’t Look Back

Don’t Look Back

Danielle LaPorte recently said, "Do not give your past the power to define your future." Nowhere is this seen more...

Transforming Your Story (Part 1)

Transforming Your Story (Part 1)

A transformed story is what I want for you: that you would see your life as story, step into it with the same intent...

TRUTH is a warrior

TRUTH is a warrior

I’ve spent the last few days at a beautiful, private, and extremely quiet place. I’ve spent a lot of time looking out...

There Is No Plan B

There Is No Plan B

On days like today I need a way to make sense of (or at least hold on to) my broken heart. Perspective. Confirmation....

A Meditation Gone Awry

A Meditation Gone Awry

I listened to a meditation a few days back called, “Inner Goddess.” What enticed me to such? First, it was free. But...

I Feel, Therefore I Am

I Feel, Therefore I Am

In both college and graduate school I took classes in which the work of Rene Descartes was discussed – the “Father of...

A Lament

A Lament

I’ve been tricked. ‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus is playing on Pandora. What? It’s an instrumental station –...

Life with Popcorn

Life with Popcorn

Life is tough. It’s filled with disappointments, unmet expectations, hurt, grief, frustration, on and on the list...

364 Days

364 Days

364 days have now passed in 2007. I woke up early this morning for a vacation day and no alarm. I found myself lying...

Happy 47th Birthday to Me!

Happy 47th Birthday to Me!

After writing posts for both of my daughters on their birthdays, I thought it only fitting that I do the same for...

Making Hard Choices

Making Hard Choices

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. ~ Flora Whittemore A lovely sentiment, but far more...

I’m Tired

I’m Tired

There’s much to be done these days with work, children, life. All press for my prioritization. All require much. And,...

What Blinds Us?

What Blinds Us?

Sometimes we have it in our heads that we are limited, that there are certain things we just can’t (or wouldn’t) do,...

On Money & Power

On Money & Power

I’ve been thinking much these past days about money – how short it is, how fast it goes, how I’m always wishing for...

Women: Choose the Unfamiliar

Women: Choose the Unfamiliar

I am here again, in a familiar place feeling something I’ve felt before, wondering why it’s still here, why I didn’t...



I can’t tell you how tired I am of tiptoeing; of having to navigate through so many potential landmines that I feel...

Choose Life

Choose Life

I spent a couple of lovely hours with a young woman this morning who asked me what I thought about spiritual...

I Am This Woman

I Am This Woman

I wrote what follows for the women’s event, Conversations (mentioned in my last post). As the days have progressed...

Prophet as Female

Prophet as Female

While I was still a student at The Seattle School, I remember hearing one of my professors lecture on the categories...

My Out Loud Voice

My Out Loud Voice

I was talking with a friend this morning about how common it is for women to lose their voices – not...