
You want to live in ways that are deeper, connected, whole, and sacred. Me too.

You are committed to a spiritual life, but exactly what that means and looks like remains a question mark, a mystery, a hunger.

Perhaps at one time, you held fast to, even found solace in, a system of beliefs through church and/or organized religion. That no longer works for you. Or it’s in the process of falling away. Now what?

Maybe you’ve never been one for organized religion, but the search for what you do believe, what you do hold sacred, feels tenuous and illusive.

At the end of the day, despite the confusion and myriad of messages (both within and without), you want the sacred front-and-center in mind, heart, and life.

Where to begin? How to continue? What to hold on to? What to let go of? What to believe? What to decry? What to practice? How to feel and know the sacred, not just sometimes, but all the time?

Believe me: I have asked every one of these questions. Multiple times.

I grew up in the church, married a pastor, even got a Master of Divinity degree. I’ve since left the church . . . and the marriage. In between—and ongoing—I have deconstructed and reconstructed, tossed and turned, walked away and ventured near.

In the midst, the one thing that saved me was the gift and privilege of heartfelt conversation along the way. Sacred conversation. I could not have walked through such transitions or found the courage to keep asking hard questions without the wisdom and companionship of a Spiritual Director.

Spiritual Direction made all the difference in my ability to let go of what no longer served and hold onto what did . . . what does, still.

Ronna makes my relationship to my own spirituality tangible, somehow; in dialog with her I can imagine God as the benevolent presence I’ve always wanted him/her to be. Nobody in my adult life has made me reconsider my own spirituality so provocatively and, ultimately, so productively. Because of Ronna I can feel my own faith underneath me, a hammock, a support, and I’m immensely grateful for this.

Lindsey Mead – Reader and Writer

Spiritual Direction is a safe and generous space to question, explore, create, and nurture a spirituality that is your own; to step toward wholeness and balance.

Let’s talk.

Not a “discovery session” to talk about working together. No obligation or pitch or pressure. Time for us to talk about where you’re struggling, what you hope, what you wonder about, what you fear; about anything that would support and strengthen your heart; about what matters most—to you. Sacred, to be sure.

If, and only if, by the end of our time together we both feel clear about moving forward, we’ll schedule a separate conversation to discuss those details. My sole desire and intention is to support you in any and every way I can.

Send me a quick email with the form that follows and I’ll be in touch right away!

13 + 10 =

There’s so much to talk about…

Earliest learned beliefs: They linger, don’t they? And sometimes even haunt—no matter how much time has passed or how you’ve changed. It can be challenging to feel freed from old ideas and able to fully embrace what works for you now.

Doctrine and dogma: It is normal to feel cautious, even skeptical, about either/both! To create, nurture, and experience a spiritual life that is devoid of such is worth the effort, to be sure.

Consistency and commitment: You want to infuse the spiritual, the sacred, into your life with focus, intention, dedication, even devotion, but it can be a struggle to make things “stick;” to walk through a day—let alone a life—aware of and present to things unseen but no less real.

And so much more, besides.

I recently read and was stopped by this sentence: A true spiritual teacher sees your greatness and teaches you how to see it yourself. THIS is Ronna! Good teachers help you believe in yourself rather than cultivate a belief in them; they teach you to connect to the divinity that lies within you.

This is what separates Ronna from other online spiritual teachers: not encouraging devotion to her, instead to our truest, most sacred self. And that’s what she offered me. 

Brigid Waszczak, Episcopal Deacon

Ronna was instrumental in holding my hand as I stepped past the limits of my spiritual journey. She teased out my heart strings and gave me the courage to hear and use my own voice.

Now I am working on a book that wants to be born through me. I hear Ronna’s voice that encouraged me to write even then—when I still had no idea I was a writer.  

Thank you, Ronna, for pushing me out of the nest!

Mary Porter Kerns

What you can expect:

You will leave each of our conversations with specific, practical, and meaningful ways to step into and toward exactly what we’ve talked about together.

And…you have my ongoing support in the in-between. I’m always just an email or text away to help you stay on track, support you in the challenges (and inevitable setbacks), and celebrate the smallest to most monumental of shifts.

In other words, our conversation isn’t limited to our calls alone. It’s ongoing and generative – as the best conversations always are.

The Details

  • Two, 60-minute calls/month.
  • Ongoing email and text access.
  • Deep, rich, provocative, full of truth time together + generous, compassionate, and consistent support.
  • My commitment and capacity to listen to what is said and unsaid.
  • A personalized blessing at the end of each call—a poem, a reading, a quote—something chosen just for you that offers inspiration and encouragement.
  • A comprehensive email after each call that articulates themes, my reflections, and practical next-steps.
  • Writing/journaling prompts, contemplative exercises, and meaningful ways to step more fully into your spiritual and sacred life.

The Investment

$500/month (US, Europe, UK)
(US$ in Canada, Australia, New Zealand)

I care deeply that finances do not prevent anyone from the benefit of Spiritual Direction. Please email me (ronna@ronnadetrick) if this pricing is prohibitive so that we can discuss other possibilities that best serve your unique circumstances.

(A note: a 3-month commitment is required so that we can establish both rapport and trust. Once that’s completed, we can stay in conversation as long as you like or you can cancel at any time.)

If you feel like conversations focused more specifically on life, relationships, work, truth-telling and the like would be more helpful, please head to my Coaching page to see if that’s a better fit. 

Crossing a bridge into my 70th year, I wanted to be able to voice my experience of the Sacred. Much of what I identified with was related to a belief system I could no longer swallow as I evolved. I wanted my own words, my own expression. I wanted someone who could understand both the good that I received in my church journey and the painful parts.

A Spiritual Director is, for me, a Sacred Companion who listens, asks helpful questions, and is permission-giving. Ronna has been an insightful and invitational guide, who affirms my wisdom, my values, and my vulnerability. We have cried and laughed together over the more than 7 years we have been in conversation together. I will always be grateful for the exchange we have shared and my growth in the process.

~ Gail Warner, Therapist and Owner/Founder of Pine Manor Retreat Center

The doors to the [sacred] world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

One last note:

There are no set or prescribed beliefs required to step into these conversations, this work with me. Come as you are—with all that you’ve left behind, all that you hold onto still, and all that you yet desire. No matter what, you are welcome here.