Here’s what I know:
- You do not need fixing. You are not broken. And you definitely don’t need or want me to tell you to try harder, to hustle, to level up, or to “do the work.”
- Less, not more, is the struggle. Not controlling everything is a challenge (because you can—and with great effectiveness).
- You understand the costs and consequences that come with being fully yourself, in integrity, and whole. You’re pretty much done with letting them hold you back.
- You have this ever-growing sense that you have powerful wisdom that is yours to embody and express. (You’re right.)
- You are determined that the next person you hire on your behalf will be committed to seeing and honoring your life as it actually is: messy and amazing, complicated and glorious.
You deserve to have conversations that invite change, that are honest and real,
that really matter and make a difference . . .
. . . with someone who can and will stand alongside you as a coach, mentor, thought-partner, sacred witness, and fierce advocate; who cannot be dissuaded from honoring the wisdom that is yours; who is tenaciously committed to (and tenderly gracious toward) the real life that is yours—messy and amazing, complicated and glorious.
It’s a lot to promise, but no less true: That would be me.
If you are interested specifically in Spiritual Direction, click to learn more.
Ronna is a modern-day demi-goddess. Part soul priestess, part tenderhearted feminist, her words are a divine benediction to all who hear them. She is the perfect intermediary for this kind of deep and meaningful soul work.
Nikki Groom – Coach and Author of A Power of Your Own
Look closer:
Titles, certifications, and competencies—though important and applicable—fall short when viewed singly; combined though, they form the “heart” of my way of being and my work with and for you:
I believe in you. I listen to your goals, your desires, your struggles, the “why” underneath your “why.” I ask provocative questions and guide you toward your own answers and solutions. All this plus endless encouragement, accountability, and wild celebration.
Women need (and deserve) infinite and fierce advocacy, especially in a culture that perpetuates the opposite. Synonyms include defender, proponent, supporter, and champion; even activist, apostle, and missionary! This is what I offer and who I am—for you.
I have decades of wisdom, lived experience, and learned perspective. I offer this through truth-telling, stories, and strategic focus. I am not hesitant about being an active participant in our conversations. It’s the back-and-forth that sharpens impact and results.
Nona Jordan – A Coach for Coaches, Leaders, and Healing Professionals
Good conversation is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Working with Ronna has opened my mind, touched my heart, and pointed me in the direction of my soul’s deepest longings. In exploring my relationship with spirituality, I felt seen and understood as she helped me move towards a sense of belonging in what had meaning for me. In exploring the places where I felt stuck, I felt lovingly accompanied as she offered her wisdom, humor and care in service of me being my true self. Ronna is a gift in this world, and someone I trust and treasure.
Carmen Cool – Radical Therapist, Body Justice Advocate
A single conversation across the table with a wise [wo]man
is better than ten years mere study of books.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
What to expect:
You can count on feeling heard, seen, and honored every time we talk. First, because this is what you deserve; second, because I want you to believe this as much as I do; and third, because it gives you the capacity and courage to step into every aspect of your life in sovereign, sacred, deeply honest, and beautiful ways.
You will leave each of our conversations with specific, practical, and meaningful ways to move toward exactly what we’ve talked about together.
And you have my ongoing support in the in-between. I’m always just an email or text away to help you stay on track, support you in the challenges (and inevitable setbacks), and celebrate the smallest to most monumental of shifts. In other words, our conversation isn’t limited to our calls alone. It’s ongoing and generative—as the best conversations always are.
- Two, 60-minute calls/month.
- Ongoing email and text access.
- Deep, rich, provocative, full of truth time together + generous, compassionate, and consistent support.
- A comprehensive email after each call that articulates themes, my reflections, and detailed / practical next-steps.
- Specific practices, “homework,” writing/journaling prompts, contemplative exercises, and relevant ways to step more fully into your life.
- A 3-month commitment to begin; once completed, we stay in conversation as long as you like on a month-to-month basis.
- $500/month (US, Europe, UK)
- $400/month (US$ in Canada, Autralia, New Zealand)
Pricing can be tricky. Industry standards. Income goals. Premium status. A belief that the higher the price, the higher the value (and vice versa). I have made an intentional decision to set a price point that honors my work and does not delimit access.
Christa Gumede Buthelezi – Author of Ubizo: A Story of Coming Home
One good conversation can shift the direction of change forever.
~ Linda Lambert
Because I love conversations with women:
I make them available—all the time, no matter what.
Not a “discovery session” to talk about working together. No obligation, pitch, or pressure. Time for us to talk together about what matters most to and for you; about a burning question or struggle that deserves attention and focus; about anything that would encourage and strengthen you.
If, and only if, by the end of our conversation we both feel clear about moving forward, we’ll schedule a separate call to discuss those details. My sole desire and intention is to support you in any and every way I can.
Send me a quick email via the form below. I’ll be in touch right away!
I don’t like to call it “working with Ronna” because it didn’t feel like work. She’s a midwife who coached me through each successive pain of birthing myself out of a perceived past that I thought was so solid it couldn’t be transformed. I was finally able to name who I am to myself. Ronna is pure magic.
Christi Koelker – Film Director, Dreamhorse Productions, LLC