Posts on Spirituality:

Mystery and Magic

Mystery and Magic

We can never know with any degree of certainty all the ways in which our choices, our life, has rippled far, far...

Seemingly Random Things

Seemingly Random Things

My oldest daughter lives about 9.5 hours away; a reasonable road-trip. So, in preparation for my most recent trek her...

About Rest

About Rest

In her book, Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto, Tricia Hersey says this: “Rest is radical because it disrupts the lie...

Use Your Imagination

Use Your Imagination

There is something incredibly powerful about good fiction, yes? The craft of it. The story itself. And the imagination...

Rebellion as a Spiritual Practice

Rebellion as a Spiritual Practice

Most if not all of us battle with the tension between our own desires, our deep sense of what’s most true, our certain...

If I had a Book Group

If I had a Book Group

I ordered a book a few weeks back, but have basically avoided it since it arrived. Well, until a couple morning’s ago...

4 Things I Want You to Know

4 Things I Want You to Know

As you undoubtedly know, I spend countless hours (decades, really) in the midst of ancient, sacred stories of women....

What if your spirituality was easy?

What if your spirituality was easy?

I would not use the word “easy” or “ease” to describe my experience of being a spiritual person (at least in the first...

Devotion instead of To-Do’s

Devotion instead of To-Do’s

If you grew up in a world anything like mine. Devotion(s) were something you did - religiously - if you were...

Why I’ve Given Up on Prayer

Why I’ve Given Up on Prayer

I grew up in a very strong faith tradition, so have always had a clear understanding of prayer: its purpose, its...

On hope (via Emily Dickinson)

On hope (via Emily Dickinson)

I have always loved these stanzas by Emily Dickinson: Hope is the thing with feathersThat perches in the soulAnd sings...

Belief: Then & Now

Belief: Then & Now

There was a time in which any question about what I believed merited a simple, obvious, and expected answer. After...

Sit still. Be quiet. Feel.

Sit still. Be quiet. Feel.

Now that both of my girls live miles, states, and flights away from me, I find myself transitioning into what it means...

Changing Everything

Changing Everything

If you want to learn about a culture, listen to the stories. If you want to change a culture, change the stories. This...

Wisdom does as Wisdom says

Wisdom does as Wisdom says

Women hold all the wisdom they could ever need, that the planet could ever need, that the world so desperately needs....

If your stories could talk…

If your stories could talk…

A number of years ago I learned about intertextuality. It is how one text speaks to or shapes another; how seemingly...

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices

I am neck-deep in manuscript-writing these days. This book, my book, this thing I've been nurturing and holding and...

A DSM-V Code

A DSM-V Code

Did you know that there is a DSM-V code for religious or spiritual problems?  Yep: V-Code 62.89.  Apparently it is...

A late-night text

A late-night text

I’ve been thinking about the wisdom that has shaped much of my life. I’m grateful for some of it, to be sure. There’s...

Go Deeper Still, Still…

Go Deeper Still, Still…

(I first published this post on 12/31/14. It seems to me to be as relevant as ever.) Go deeper still... You already...

Believing the Voice Within You

Believing the Voice Within You

A voice dwells within you that can be trusted, that longs to be listened to, that consistently speaks truth. I...

The Widow of Nain

The Widow of Nain

There is an ancient story told of a widow whose only son died. With him went her last semblance of family, belonging,...

Fanning Desire’s Flame

Fanning Desire’s Flame

Desire is a tricky thing. To desire feels dangerous because we might not get what we want. To desire is risky because,...

These Stories Still Speak

These Stories Still Speak

I’ve been awake since 4:30 this morning. Uncharacteristically, instead of lying in bed and trying to tame my...

My Inner Critic = The Patriarchy

My Inner Critic = The Patriarchy

I was recently organizing files on my computer (something I do when I intend to write, but instead find busy work…)...

About Being Ubiquitous

About Being Ubiquitous

This post could be entitled About Being God Without Realizing Such. I came across this word while reading a novel a...

God on a Woman’s Terms

God on a Woman’s Terms

For most of us, the word "sacred" conjures some thought of God. Perhaps you associate this with a positive set of...

Easter 2017

Easter 2017

I will not be attending Easter services today. I will not witness the rows of shiny, white patent-leather shoes,...

Somewhere between Kali and Jesus

Somewhere between Kali and Jesus

I am Kali Ma.I stick my tongue out of my once silent lips.These eyes, no longer mild,Are furious daggers of fire.~ a...

Why Stories Matter

Why Stories Matter

We live in a world of stories. Childhood fairytales shape our dreams and hopes. Family legends, imparted over kitchen...

A Reflection on 12

A Reflection on 12

12 represents the completed cycle of experience. 12 is the symbol of cosmic order. There are 12 months in a year. Time...

On the Phone vs. In a Pew

On the Phone vs. In a Pew

I had a conversation yesterday with a friend. She’s married. I’m not anymore. She lives in the South. I definitely do...

It’s all going to end badly

It’s all going to end badly

A few weeks ago, while talking to my therapist, I mentioned my ongoing and haunting hunch that the archetype of the...

A story for Mother’s Day

A story for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day used to be the hardest day of the year for me – when lost in the throes of infertility. That is no longer...

Why didn’t you just say so?

Why didn’t you just say so?

I’ve been binge-watching The Newsroom for the past week. This morning I woke up far too early for a weekend-day....

On Miracles

On Miracles

I made a video a few days back in which I talked of Tabitha. Little known. Rarely told. Hugely significant. (This...



Tears are a river that takes you somewhere...Tears lift your boat off the rocks, off dry ground, carrying it downriver...

Tidings of Great Joy

Tidings of Great Joy

It’s an early evening in December, 1966. I am six years old, standing on a stage, proudly fulfilling the prestigious...

When Darkness Threatens

When Darkness Threatens

But a grave separateness has invaded the world... ~ Naomi Shihab Nye It is said that in the beginning, darkness...

Messy is Preferable

Messy is Preferable

Sunday morning was a known and predictable entity for me while growing up; a thing in and of itself. No question ever...

Letting Go is NOT Falling Apart

Letting Go is NOT Falling Apart

A wise woman tells me she gets this strong sense that I am unable to really let go; like I’m afraid of letting my hair...

A freewrite on faith

A freewrite on faith

There have been times in which my own writing has taken me to places of surprise, insight, and even tears. Some...

Channeling Etta James

Channeling Etta James

It’s just before 7:00 on Friday night. I sit in the high school auditorium, about the fifth row from the front, and...

Easter and Eve

Easter and Eve

What if Easter was about Eve? What would it be like if the entire “Christian” world celebrated the day that Eve ate...

In the midst . . .

In the midst . . .

Here is what I know about you: Right now, in the midst, you embody the Feminine. Right now, in the midst, you inhale...

The Full Moon and other thoughts

The Full Moon and other thoughts

Whoever you are: some evening take a step out of your house, which you know so well. Enormous space is near.  ~...

The Sacred in a High School Gym

The Sacred in a High School Gym

Yesterday morning I sat in a high school gym surrounded by teenagers. The Veteran’s Day Assembly. I wasn’t there...

Everything is Sacred

Everything is Sacred

“In this moment, everything is sacred.” ~ Ariel Books Oh, how we long to accede to this intellectually, but far more,...

Head acknowledged. Heart aflame.

Head acknowledged. Heart aflame.

Something within you knows that you bring a seeing, a knowing, a perspective to this world that, once expressed, might...

Just this . . .

Just this . . .

Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Do not be afraid. ~ Frederich Buechner

Speak your mind. Tell your truth.

Speak your mind. Tell your truth.

She felt as though her life was some kind of hellish test; as though the universe was conspiring against her; like the...

How to Deepen Your Spirituality

How to Deepen Your Spirituality

One of the most powerful ways in which we infuse and strengthen our own spirituality is to expand it beyond ourselves....

(Not) throwing the baby out . . .

(Not) throwing the baby out . . .

When you grow up steeped in religion, attending church every Sunday, knowing Bible stories better than fairytales and...

The other woman

The other woman

Every once in a while, out of the corner of my eye, I glimpse the other woman. She looks so much like me, but wilder...

An Easter Reflection

An Easter Reflection

I will not be attending Easter services today.  I will not witness the rows of shiny, white patent-leather shoes,...

Transforming Your Story (Part 3)

Transforming Your Story (Part 3)

Transforming Your Story – The “How” Part 3 of a series. 12 posts scattered throughout 2014 on Transforming Your Story....

Sophia and Quantum Physics

Sophia and Quantum Physics

I had to figure out how to find Sophia. Or make the space for her to find me. One day I came to realize that she’s...

Believing in Another World

Believing in Another World

The debate is long, old, and exhausting. Is there life beyond ours, in other places, on other planes or planets. Is...

TRUTH is a warrior

TRUTH is a warrior

I’ve spent the last few days at a beautiful, private, and extremely quiet place. I’ve spent a lot of time looking out...

On a Wire

On a Wire

Early in the morning I sat on the couch, my laptop awaiting the click-click-click of my brain and its compliant...

Holy Week and Les Miserables

Holy Week and Les Miserables

It’s Holy Week. As is often the case this time of year, I feel some ambivalence: a tinge of regret, a flood of...

Giving Up On God

Giving Up On God

Giving up on God: I’m considering it. I don’t ponder this from an atheistic precipice or in a state of existential...

A Woman’s Faith

A Woman’s Faith

It takes faith to be a woman. Whether married or single; a mother or not; a lover and/or friend; self-employed, other...

The “but” changes everything.

The “but” changes everything.

With an hour’s drive ahead I pulled up Google on my iPhone – on the hunt for a scintillating audio to keep me company....

The God of Once Upon a Time

The God of Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time. There was a day when these four small words would instantly transport my eldest daughter to another...

Being Certain about Uncertainty

Being Certain about Uncertainty

Faith is not being sure. It is not being sure, but betting with your last cent . . . Faith is not a series of...

Elegance & Crudeness

Elegance & Crudeness

A quickly-composed and deeply-felt post in the middle of my day... Despite all obstacles placed in my way, many of...

You are not alone. I promise.

You are not alone. I promise.

A dated a man who often said, “At the end of the day, we’re all alone.” He meant it in a sort-of existential way (and...

Pregnancy. Infertility. Faith.

Pregnancy. Infertility. Faith.

The Ending:One day, out of the blue, unexpected, unanticipated, unbelievable, I was pregnant. And again, 15 months...

“The greatest day ever!!!”

“The greatest day ever!!!”

I went to the grocery store a few days back, irritated that I had to make the trip in the first place. Stepping out of...

…a marvelous exchange.

…a marvelous exchange.

I came across this poem by Macrina Wiederkehr this afternoon in A Tree Full of Angels: Seeing the Holy in the...

Some Advent Reflections (4)

Some Advent Reflections (4)

The Polar Express, Ahaz, Joseph, and me... Sunday, December 23 – Scripture Readings:Psalm 80: 1-7, 17-19; 24; Isaiah...

Some Advent Reflections (3)

Some Advent Reflections (3)

Tidings of Comfort and Joy Sunday, December 16 – Scripture Readings:Psalm 63, 98; Amos 9:11-15; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3,...

Some Advent Reflections (2)

Some Advent Reflections (2)

Sunday, December 9 – Scripture Readings:Psalm 114, 115; Amos 6:1-14; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12; Luke 1:57-68 I’m struck...

Some Advent Reflections (1)

Some Advent Reflections (1)

In the spirit of Advent – the beginning of the church year – I decided to begin something (again): I went to church....

Playing Poker with God

Playing Poker with God

So often we frantically seek for an explanation to our suffering, to the things in our own life and in the world that...

My Proclivity for Lists

My Proclivity for Lists

I’m a list-maker, I admit it. I not only make them, I complete them. I can have multiple lists running at the same...

This Father’s Day

This Father’s Day

I find myself in a sort of a gray place today. Granted, it’s the Seattle area and the skies are often as they look...

Asking “what-if” questions

Asking “what-if” questions

These days, at Mars Hill Graduate School, we are considering a lot of “What if” questions: What if you truly loved...

On Womens’ Suffering

On Womens’ Suffering

I was at a conference last weekend in Syracuse, NY, at which a number of theologians, philosophers, and educators...

Choosing the Storm

Choosing the Storm

I’ve been thinking a lot about how strong my proclivity is for calm; for a life that is tame, sedate, and...

Choose Life

Choose Life

I spent a couple of lovely hours with a young woman this morning who asked me what I thought about spiritual...

Whose Story Am I In?

Whose Story Am I In?

I just finished writing this entire post, went to read through it from the beginning before hitting “publish,” and...

I Am This Woman

I Am This Woman

I wrote what follows for the women’s event, Conversations (mentioned in my last post). As the days have progressed...

Prophet as Female

Prophet as Female

While I was still a student at The Seattle School, I remember hearing one of my professors lecture on the categories...