Posts on Writing:

Living from a Softer Place

Living from a Softer Place

For as grateful (and amazed) as I am that I've completed my book, it is an incredibly odd thing to place it in someone...

In Praise (and Pursuit) of Normal

In Praise (and Pursuit) of Normal

I turned my book's manuscript in to my publisher just over three weeks ago. It’s a bit of a shock, given that for the...

About My Book

About My Book

It feels WAY too far away to actually talk about, let alone celebrate, but still, I’m naming it: On 10.3.23 my book...

Not practicing what I preach

Not practicing what I preach

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my desire. No. That’s not quite true. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my...

1 quote and 3 (tiny) topics

1 quote and 3 (tiny) topics

The Quote: Re-vision–the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new, critical...

About hearing voices…

About hearing voices…

Yes, let’s talk about hearing voices…And (just a bit) about RAISING our voices and being countercultural!  Over the...

Your Wild Voice Within

Your Wild Voice Within

...the shadow of Wild Woman still lurks behind us during our days and in our nights. No matter where we are, the...

Write Toward Vulnerability

Write Toward Vulnerability

If something inside of you is real, we will probably find it interesting, and it will probably be universal. So you...

A late-night text

A late-night text

I’ve been thinking about the wisdom that has shaped much of my life. I’m grateful for some of it, to be sure. There’s...

Go Deeper Still, Still…

Go Deeper Still, Still…

(I first published this post on 12/31/14. It seems to me to be as relevant as ever.) Go deeper still... You already...

Remember who you are

Remember who you are

I was in a queer mood, thinking myself very old; but now I am a woman again – as I always am when I write. I love this...

She was a voice

She was a voice

I ordered and read The Book of Longings last week. Written by Sue Monk Kidd, author of The Secret Life of Bees and...

In tribute to Mary Oliver

In tribute to Mary Oliver

At the end of last week, in reflecting on Mary Oliver’s life – small respite in the wake of her death – I ran a search...

Stories that Still Speak

Stories that Still Speak

I’ve been awake for hours. Christmas tree lights on. Coffee made. Fire lit. Snuggled up on the couch. Laptop on. I’ve...

The birth of my blog…

The birth of my blog…

When you write, you have to attempt something greater than you can possibly hope to accomplish. That is the only way...

When Things Don’t Go as Planned

When Things Don’t Go as Planned

I’ve been thinking a lot, even more than I normally do, about my daughters. About the trials and tribulations that, by...

12 Years of Blogging

12 Years of Blogging

I find it almost impossible to believe that 12 years have passed since I meekly created a WordPress site and began...

My Inner Critic = The Patriarchy

My Inner Critic = The Patriarchy

I was recently organizing files on my computer (something I do when I intend to write, but instead find busy work…)...

Why do you write?

Why do you write?

"Why do you write?" was a question recently asked of me.  Here’s my answer: I write because it is the space in which I...

Why Stories Matter

Why Stories Matter

We live in a world of stories. Childhood fairytales shape our dreams and hopes. Family legends, imparted over kitchen...

A Reflection on 12

A Reflection on 12

12 represents the completed cycle of experience. 12 is the symbol of cosmic order. There are 12 months in a year. Time...

So, I’ve written a book…

So, I’ve written a book…

The subtitle is “A Braided Essay on Women and Silence and Shame.” And it’s published, printed, physical, able to be...

On Writing – #4

On Writing – #4

This week, I’m offering a series of posts on writing – ones I’ve written before, new ones yet unseen, anything and...

On Writing – #3

On Writing – #3

This week, I’m offering a series of posts on writing – ones I’ve written before, new ones yet unseen, anything and...

On Writing – #2

On Writing – #2

This week, I’m offering a series of posts on writing – ones I’ve written before, new ones yet unseen, anything and...

On Writing – #1

On Writing – #1

This week, I’m offering a series of posts on writing – ones I’ve written before, new ones yet unseen, anything and...

The New Colossus

The New Colossus

By Tanya Geisler   For the last two years, I’ve been writing with a group of amazing women writers. Each week we...

Is beauty worth $8 + tax?

Is beauty worth $8 + tax?

As I sat down to journal this morning, I spotted the fresh tulips I bought just four days ago. They are already...

Boom-Boom, Boom-Boom

Boom-Boom, Boom-Boom

I often listen to podcasts in the morning. Out of the shower, getting ready for my day. Today’s didn’t really offer...

Today: 10 years of Blogging!

Today: 10 years of Blogging!

10 years ago today, November 15, 2005, I wrote and published my very first blog post. No one knew but me. And that was...

Using a Pseudonym

Using a Pseudonym

I’ve been wondering lately what I would write if I had a pseudonym, if I wrote with some super-secret name. Countless...

The Wild Voice Within

The Wild Voice Within

There is a voice within that says more and edits less. It digs deep and dives down. It is impossible to embarrass and...

A freewrite on faith

A freewrite on faith

There have been times in which my own writing has taken me to places of surprise, insight, and even tears. Some...

Telling Myself (no more) Lies

Telling Myself (no more) Lies

I have recently uncovered an interesting belief I hold within. It’s not pleasant. And frankly, I’m not all that crazy...

The perfect way to stop a woman.

The perfect way to stop a woman.

"I’ve seen women insist on cleaning everything in the house before they could sit down to write.... and you know it’s...

(Not) throwing the baby out . . .

(Not) throwing the baby out . . .

When you grow up steeped in religion, attending church every Sunday, knowing Bible stories better than fairytales and...

Holding my Breath.

Holding my Breath.

I’ve been holding my breath lately. It’s a trying season as a mom. I feel heartache over a relationship’s end. And,...

A letter to myself

A letter to myself

Dear Me: Exhaustion. I see it. It’s down deep, far beneath the surface. A weariness that comes from holding on to your...

Speak the language women speak.

Speak the language women speak.

“We must learn to speak the language women speak when there is no one there to correct us.” ~ Helene Cixous You know...

Transforming Your Story (Part 1)

Transforming Your Story (Part 1)

A transformed story is what I want for you: that you would see your life as story, step into it with the same intent...

Inspiration Incarnate

Inspiration Incarnate

I used to believe that the words, verses, chapters, and books of Scripture were composed by God – the writer’s hand...

Still and always a writer . . .

Still and always a writer . . .

Just one quick phone call and my entire week’s schedule unexpectedly, miraculously, and graciously cleared. Upon...

Elegance & Crudeness

Elegance & Crudeness

A quickly-composed and deeply-felt post in the middle of my day... Despite all obstacles placed in my way, many of...

A Lament

A Lament

I’ve been tricked. ‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus is playing on Pandora. What? It’s an instrumental station –...

364 Days

364 Days

364 days have now passed in 2007. I woke up early this morning for a vacation day and no alarm. I found myself lying...

Happy 47th Birthday to Me!

Happy 47th Birthday to Me!

After writing posts for both of my daughters on their birthdays, I thought it only fitting that I do the same for...

I’m Tired

I’m Tired

There’s much to be done these days with work, children, life. All press for my prioritization. All require much. And,...

Remembering Madeleine L’Engle

Remembering Madeleine L’Engle

Just last week an amazing woman died. Madeleine L’Engle, the author of the well-loved A Wrinkle in Time and over 60...

My lie about writing and time

My lie about writing and time

I’ve been thinking more and more about writing – my desire to so, the things I so want to be able to say, the hopes I...

Will I tell you what I want?

Will I tell you what I want?

A friend loaned me a book last week that I can’t put down. It’s called Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to beWanted by...

My Out Loud Voice

My Out Loud Voice

I was talking with a friend this morning about how common it is for women to lose their voices – not...