
There are few things I love more than conversation with women.

So that’s what I offer, cherish, and step into with every ounce of curiosity, grace, and hope I can muster.

I’ve been doing this, in one way or another, for more than 20 years—conversations with women who choose to, long to, step more intentionally into their lives, their stories, everything, really.

It would be my privilege and honor to share in conversation with you. 

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s talk!

There are SO many directions we could take and paths we could follow and here’s a start to just a few of the questions I love to ask . . . and ponder for myself: 

  • What would you like to change—about yourself, in your relationships or work, in the world?
  • What do you want, really want?
  • Why and where are you stuck? What keeps getting in your way?
  • What are the aspects of your story that feel “off” or incomplete or just not in sync, as you desire?
  • How do you want your life to look and feel?
  • What wisdom is yours that still stays hidden or quiet?
  • What do you KNOW would be possible if you were truly seen, heard, and honored (by others in your world and by your very self)?

Every month, I leave time open on my calendar for exactly these conversations. A chance to connect, to get to know each other a bit better, to get a feel for what it would be like to work with me, and above/beyond all else—time together without any pitch, obligation, or hidden motive. I promise. Just conversation about what matters most to you, right now. 

Send me a quick email with the form that follows and I’ll be in touch right away!

10 + 10 =

I’d love to connect.

I write to and for you every week.

My thoughts. My questions. My journey. Wisdom and perspective along the way that help you step more fully into the story and life that are yours. And every ounce of encouragement and hope that I can possibly express. Learn more.

Want to know a bit more about me first?

Completely understandable. Click here for details and then some.

In addition to one-on-one work via coaching and spiritual direction, I offer encouragement and personalized wisdom through Sacred Readings, and my Sacred Muse Intuitive Wisdom Deck. Learn about all my offerings here.