Here’s what I believe (and what I’ve experienced):
We live in a world of story. And within such, the stories of women, when told in redemptive and honoring ways, call us to all of who we are: wise, courageous, beautiful, sovereign, and completely unapologetic.
It’s not all that surprising that we rarely feel “all of who we are,” given that very few of the stories we’ve heard speak to or model such.
Good news: I’ve got stories!
A whole collection of them—a tome of ancient, sacred ones—starting with and inspired by Eve. They are sages, mentors, elders, and wise-ones—the divine-and-sacred feminine—waiting to be uncovered, dusted off, unbound from patriarchal and dogmatic tellings, re-visioned, and heard. They have SO much to say.
They have so much to say. . . to and for you.
I’m convinced: one woman, her story, and all of her deep and gorgeous wisdom – longs to speak into your story, your heart, your life.
SacredReadings have been a gift to myself for as long as Ronna has been offering them. Every woman that shows up does so in perfect and divine timing, her arrival interpreted magically through Ronna’s deep wisdom and massive heart. Her story becomes mine and is a source of comfort, wisdom, support and inspiration throughout the year.
The Process/Experience:
I draw a card. That’s how it begins. From the Sacred Muse deck I created almost 15 years ago—52 women, their stories, their wisdom.
That woman, her story, and the unique wisdom she offers will be perfect for you. It’s a lot to promise, but every. single. time. that has been the case—for me, to be sure, and for the 1000’s of women I’ve provided SacredReadings to over the years.
Within 48 hours you will receive your SacredReading: a beautiful , comprehensive, filled-to-the-brim offering of rich-and-practical wisdom. (Oh, that I could find the right words to describe this; “document” sounds somewhat sterile and report-like. Believe me, it’s anything but.)
Included within is the woman who has chosen you, her story, and the exact ways in which every bit of it applies to yours. You’ll feel as though she’s speaking just to you . . . because she is. (That’s what happens when women’s stories are heard: we hear them!) You’ll discover practical ways to incorporate her advocacy, wisdom, and grace into your day-to-day life: journaling prompts, action steps, rituals and rhythms to revel in. And perhaps best of all, a deeply personal blessing-mantra-prayer that will strengthen your very soul, 24/7/365.
(Did I mention she’s perfect for you?)
Purchase your SacredReading today.
From the first page to the last, my SacredReading spoke to an area of my life where I had substantial questions and doubts. Somehow, it addressed them all. I’m a VERY private person, so there is no way Ronna could have known what to mention or how to address it. Spirit is alive and well in her Readings.
I bought a SacredReading when I was at a huge turning point with no idea of what a transformational year lay ahead of me. My Reading was exactly what I needed to hear to help me finally publish my book, and believe in how important my own journey is.
Re-vision – the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction – is for women more than a chapter in cultural history: it is an act of survival.
~ Adrienne Rich
We need wise women to whom we can turn. Lessons-learned upon which we can rely. Powerful voices that speak into our lives.
These women and their stories have changed me.
I trust the same for you.
Women’s stories have the power to change everything!
So do you.
(But not alone . . .)
A few final thoughts:
Chances are high you’ve not heard of Readings like these before, seen anything like them, experienced them. (Which sounds vaguely familiar to the women’s stories themselves: unheard, unseen, and un-experienced for the change-everything wisdom they possess.) What I’ve created is, indeed, one-of-a-kind; it’s sacred work I am immensely grateful for and proud of.
My ask is that you trust me (and the relevant and timely power and wisdom of these women and their stories).
I believe – at my deepest core – that your SacredReading will offer you exactly what you need. It will leave you feeling seen, heard, and known. You will be encouraged and compelled. And you’ll be the recipient of truth that is unique to your story.
You deserve every bit of this – and then some.
Who are SacredReadings best suited for?
These are for perfect for you if:
you want specific, practical, even mystical-and-magical ways of understanding your own story and stepping forward in power and strength.
you want to walk through the year ahead knowing that you are companioned, accompanied, and never alone.
you have learned (and are learning) to listen to the wisdom that dwells deep within you—and you want more.
you love the wisdom that comes from listening to other women and their stories.
you long to know more about the vast, endless, beautiful lineage of women that sweeps back to the dawn of time and wraps itself around you even now, even still.
you are grateful to be standing on the shoulders of generations of women who still speak, still comfort, still support, still guide.
you wish for ways to make sense of a whole canon of stories that, like the baby with the bathwater, may have been tossed out long ago.
you know truth when you hear it and are hungry for more.
Where did the card deck come from?
Oooh. That’s a good story!
Years ago, I sat at my kitchen table with four other women. We talked about the ancient, sacred stories I reimagined and retold. All of us knew them in their “original form”—deeply ingrained (along with their dogma) from our childhood. Each of us, in our own ways, had taken on the embedded “truths” within: be quiet; stay in line; do not trust your heart, your thinking, your desire. And definitely don’t upset the apple cart.
Somehow, it didn’t matter that we’d walked away, rejected (or held more objectively) the text from which they came, even chosen different beliefs. Those lessons-learned felt like they were part of our DNA: impossible to shake, no matter how hard we tried.
I remember flippantly saying that I ought to create a card deck of the stories—told in radically different ways: full of feminine wisdom, strength, and power. Maybe if those stories were known and became part of our DNA instead, the choke-hold of patriarchy would loosen and eventually disappear. Women would feel stronger, empowered, seen, and heard – by the stories of women who, quite frankly, have been barely seen and rarely heard, but who are stronger and more empowered than we’ve ever known or imagined.
“Women could gain just as much wisdom and insight from these stories as any Tarot deck or Astrological reading, right?” We laughed knowingly and took another couple sips of wine.
I couldn’t have imagined how that seed would bloom and grow into an offering I’ve now made available for more than 10 years and 1000’s of women around the world.
And the cards themselves? Once on nothing but Index Cards, they are now printed, lovely, and available. Learn more about The Sacred Muse card deck.
And even more news? I’ve written a book! Rewriting Eve: Rescuing Women’s Stories from the Bible and Reclaiming Them as Our Own. It includes 10 of the stories and women I love. Available for preorder now.
What if I don't like the story I get?
I have a couple thoughts about this:
1) Often times (if not all the time), where we feel the greatest resistance, is where the greatest truth resides.
2) If you really aren’t happy—or are horribly confused by who has shown up on your behalf, definitely email me and let me know. We’ll figure out next steps together.
In all the years I’ve offered Sacred Readings, I’ve only had this happen once. It really is somewhat miraculous (and magical and amazing) how perfect each one of these is. I have an idea as to why that is, but that’s another story for another time…
Do you offer a "bulk" discount?
If you are interested in purchasing Sacred Readings for your clients, your Mastermind group, a close circle of friends, or extras just for you, I definitely want to make that possible!
When you purchase 3 or more, the price goes down. Just email me and we’ll talk: [email protected]
Do I need to have some particular system of beliefs to relate to these stories?
Definitely not!
This is a HUGE aspect of what I’m seeking to heal: stories of women (perhaps including yours) that have been bound up in religion and the doctrine and dogma that too-often go along with it).
You may have known these stories in a past life, long ago, and walked away. Wow, do I get that! Your Sacred Reading creates a way for you to cherish the story and the woman within, without having to acede to all that you’ve worked to distance yourself from.
You may have never heard these stories. Believe me: they’re worth hearing, knowing, and loving. There’s nothing in your Sacred Reading that connects them to a system of belief—other than your belief in your own wisdom, courage, and strength!
You may love these stories exactly because of your system of beliefs. This works, too. I’m telling them in a way you’ve probably not heard or considered before—with no apologies. And my belief is that these tellings have the capacity to strengthen your commitment and faith – especially to yourself.