My sister bought me a book a few weeks back: Women Know Everything! 3241 Quips, Quotes and Brilliant Remarks by Karen Weekes

I thought about posting a few quotes from within, offering you some of my favorites, inspiring you with the beauty and wisdom of other women. Instead, another plan…

1) Sit with the title of the book alone.
Women Know Everything! What are the very first thoughts that come to mind? How do you feel about your thoughts? Where do those thoughts and feelings take you? Follow them…

2) Take it a step further and say out loud: “I know everything!”
Pay attention to what happens within our own heart and mind when you say these words. What emotions show up? What kind of resistance do you feel, exactly? Are you validated? Do you feel arrogant in saying such a thing? Doubtful? Like an imposter? Do you hear the defiant shout within: “Finally! And exactly!”? Do you laugh? Do you feel wistful, defensive, angry, grateful? Every one of these is worthwhile, telling, and true! (More to explore, to be sure!)

3) Finally (though hardly), think about the question, situation, challenge, or struggle that is closest in mind and heart for you right now.
Got it? Now, whisper gently to yourself: I already know. I already know. I already know. Deep breath. This is true.

Of course, there is always more for us to learn. But along the way and in this moment, you can lean on and into the perfect-and-complete-and-trustworthy knowing that is yours. Right now. At this time. And in perfect measure. (I KNOW I’m right about this!)

May it be so.

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